Some information concerning our current activities. |
We are Finnish family located at South-Espoo and at Lohja. Anne lives with her family at our old flat in Tiistila.
We bought a new lot in Nummi-Pusula at Saukkola village and are building a log house.
We have a summer mansion at Kurikka, North West Finland (Botnia) close to Vaasa.
The mansion is located at Opas
close to Jokipiin Pellava - production.
Here is a foto of the mansion.
We had also one extra family member, Dalmatian
He was born on 14.10.1996 and passed away 11.3.2009. R.I.P
We used to work voluntary in
Matinkylä Walkers
, which was a place for youngsters to visit each other on Fridays.
This service has been shut down on October 2009 as Espoo community did not want to offer a reasonable place for this service.
Information of the cafeterias around Finland can be found from
Katso kahvilan
Suomenkielisiä sivuja.
Last update on 24.07.2023 by the webmaster
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